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Writer's pictureSara DiGasparro

#131 Snowstorms and Cancer

This is the second time I've started this blog. I had a bunch of pictures all set up and I accidentally hit some fucking key and it all went away.

I was just blabbing. Talking about the snowstorm Monday. OK.....for those Soo people reading this....I assure really was quite a bit of snow. When I went to sleep Sunday night I could still see my little chipmunk and his hole in the grass.

Monday morning, Big Mama woke up at 5:45 (and for those who know me) this is unheard of. I awoke quite mysteriously, which leads me to believe I'm aware of the time, all the time I'm sleeping...but we'll debate that later.

Anyway. I went upstairs to proclaim....."Ari....SNOWDAY". This girl took a right hook and pulled her duvet over her head groaned and I knew in that instant, my DNA is alive and well. She didn't arise until noon. God bless her.

After I stumbled around at an ungodly hour, I is the day for me to attempt my "double sleep". So.... I tucked in at 6am and said to my body...."goodnight". And off we went.

Jason was gifted a snow blower this fall and had been a bit discouraged at the lack of snow.....5:45am Monday this man was ready to go. He acknowledged he had to shovel until 7 when we're allowed to make noise. This blower is by no means a new one so it sounds like B52 bomber landing in your driveway. I put in my earplugs. Slapped on that silk eye mask and high fived him through the window and made the room dark. I was gone.

When I came to around 3 after another solid sleep, I had the energy and desire to contribute. I grabbed a shovel, and went out into my street. Everyone was out there. Neighbours helping each other, laughter and conversations.

I just pushed the snow around....with my broken wing I have to be careful but I did contribute.

It made me think.....

NO one mentioned Covid. No one was complaining, they were all just helping each other through the immediate crisis. Cars driving down our street would get stuck and all the men on the street came out immediately to help the person carry on. It was a lovely feeling and so lovely to watch.

I saw in us, in all of us...we still have it. It's been overwhelming, it's been difficult but we're all in it together. Canadians are tough as hell.

I compared the snow storm to my cancer journey. Any of you who read this blog and are currently on your own journey may relate to my thinking.

Despite the snow piling up at the door and the feeling you are trapped, one scoop, one step and help from your neighbours and friends makes a huge difference to getting to the road.

No one can guarantee what the road will bring, but there are always those to help you get up and there are always those who can help you walk the path.

My street has been so quiet for the last 6 months and Monday it came alive. Alive with people who didn't want to be snowed in, people who wanted to help and people who were laughing and happy and willing to lend a hand.

I learned the names of 4 new neighbours I hadn't known before this storm. I feel more a part of something larger than myself. I feel a part of our street.

Cancer is at first like a huge snowstorm that causes a whiteout. You don't know where to start....but rest assured, if you're entering into the battle or continuing the battle or are a long time can agree.......there are those to help.

Storms in life will come.....sometimes they are so strong they stop your life completely, sometimes they slow it down, sometimes the storm rages for days and months.

One thing about storms....the laws of physics simply prevent that level of energy to continue indefinitely.

Whether your storm in life is a snow storm, or a health storm, or a personal storm.....just know, it won't last forever, there are people to help and it's just a phase in the never ending cycle. Ebbs and flows.

Help when you can. Ask for help if you need it. Appreciate the collective suffering that makes us all more equal.

Snowstorms are a lot like cancer.

It stops us in our tracks, but the road is still there....we need to dig to find it...carry on and know....

Big storms bring strength to those who battle them...challenges bring opportunity to those who seek it.

Snowstorms are just a collection of snowflakes who decided to make something of themselves.

We are powerful beyond measure and capable beyond expectation.

Spring always comes and the storms are but a memory.

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