It's a thing. Eustress. Here's the definition:
/yo͞oˈstres/ noun
moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as being beneficial for the experiencer.
I'm going to add that it's also physical not just psychological. Eustress is that feeling when you start running and for the first 15-20 minutes you feel like it's not right. It almost hurts. It's an "I want to stop" feeling. That's eustress. Your body is experiencing stress, it wants it to end...but it's not smart enough to know that on the other side of that relatively mild to medium stress is strength.
I'm not talking to people who start running and their knees start burning and their hearts skip beats and their bodies feel like they're going to break. I'm talking to the people who can run, but they don't like it. They feel like.....this sucks....I don't like this...I want to stop.
The key is to put on GOOD shoes, get a good playlist, have a goal and make it past 20minutes. Push past that I want to stop moment.
Of course this is, not only a jogging guide from a cancer patient but also, a metaphor for this Christmas. Referring back to the original definition eustress is psychological stress that is benefical for the experiencer. Kinda like lockdown.
It's good for you. The stress of being restrained. What matters to you? Ask yourself what you're missing. If it's have a problem. If it's connection, there are ways to get it. Zoom....outside distanced visits...calls....texts.
We are all stressed....decide for yourself as you "run" this Christmas if it's going to be one that builds you up or breaks you down.
If you're busting yourself past the point where things start to brighten up. Seek help. If you're running past the point where things start easing up keep running, that's where the growth happens.
For me, lately....since my scan results I've been focused on building my endurance, focusing on how much stress is enough to build and how much breaks down. This was a major factor in my development of cancer. Not knowing what stress was productive and what stress was damaging was major.
Now I try to manage stress. I don't and can't eliminate it. No one can especially now....but to be able to recognize when the stress is productive and when the stress is damaging is a major part of the next stage of my battle against cancer and the things that feed it.
As we all enter lockdown, there will be stress.....if you find it to a stress you can't handle, maybe take stock of what's happening. For me I evaluate what's going on....why is this so stressful for me....when it because I'm going faster than I should be.? I holding tension....? If it's mental during lockdown what is it? Am I lonely? Am I feeling a lack of control?
It all matters. This time has given me an opportunity to evaluate my stress. Not all stress is bad....some pushes us to a breakdown, to a breakthrough and to a revelation of who we are and what we can manage. Physically and mentally.
Whether in chemo hard core cancer treatment or out for a 5K run I am learning everyday about what my body and mind can handle.
I've discovered lately that if the body is rested... the mind can lead. If the mind leads....aware of all stress while evaluating influence - good or bad...I can build strength in the right way. Slightly pushing past discomfort. Into that zone......people speak of the runners high. It is a thing. You don't need to run 25K to get there, you just need to push past what you thought you couldn't do and trust your body as it moves.
This Christmas we're all stressed. Will yours be eustress or just stress.
The difference between the two is immeasurable.